Activity Rules and Regulations

The rules that keep us safe

We understand nobody likes to talk about rules. However, these keep us safe, and some are even laws. We at Keener Adventures have made this simple, and the best part is you DON’T NEED TO BE A LAWYER TO UNDERSTAND. Before making a reservation with us, we highly recommend that you read these, and if you have any questions, please let us know.

Your Safety is our Priority
4 star rating
4 star rating
4 star rating
4 star rating
4 star rating

Smoking Is Prohibited in all Public Activites

Any activities where people (other than your party) will be taking part, smoking and Vaping (Including but not limited to eCigarets, Vape Pens, Wax Pens, etc..) are strictly prohibited for the health and safety of the other activity goers. This is welcome as long as it does not violate our FEDERALLY CONTROLED SUBSTANCES policy on private activities with only your party.

Excessive Intoxication

Alcohol is always welcomed for our adults (+21 with ID) while on our cruise; however, Excessive Intoxication or passengers who cause issues while under the influence are breaking this rule.

No Esaly Broken Glass Allowed Aboard

Per our agreement with the local rental companies, the Keener Adventures team strictly prohibits bringing brakeable Glass Aboard the vessels. This includes but is not limited to Champagne Flutes and glasses, glass beads and tableware, signs, dishes, etc…

Captain and/or Activity Guide Final Say

Keener Adventures contracts activity guides or Captains to ensure that an activity goes smoothly and safely. However, our captains and activity guides PRIMARY JOB IS TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF ALL ACTIVITY PARTICIPANTS. This being said, Activites Guides and/or Captains have the full unrestricted right to cancel an activity for any reason without reason.

Keener Adventures LLC. Zero Harassment Policy

Keener Adventures LLC., its employees, contractors, shareholders, partners, crew, and staff will never discriminate nor refuse service due to Sex at Birth, Sexual Orientation or Preference, Race, Religion, Nationality, and/or Citizenship, Disability, or any other factors. Guest who causes a problem and/or violates this policy will be removed and will not be welcomed back to any activities managed by Keener Adventures LLC. For information regarding this policy please contact us.

Violation of these Rules

Any persons and/or party found in violation of these rules and/or regulations will result in immediate activity cancellation with no possibility of a refund. Furthermore, the party will not be allowed to participate in any current or future activity managed by Keener Adventures LLC. or its partners. Any serious violations may and will result in contact with local authorities and removal from any partner properties.

Frequently Asked Questions

Big questions we get that might help.

No, if our captains and/or crew see or smell any Marijuana onboard our vessels, we will cancel the activity altogether. We adhere to the US Coast Guard’s ZERO TOLLERANCE POLICY for any federally controlled substances.

Yes, however, we prefer if it is transferred to plastic or if you bring a box of wine. If the bottle breaks, we will need to return to the dock immediately.

This is defined by our company as not being coherent passing out or throwing up. Any passengers who are not able to walk by his/her/themselves down our dock will be counted as intoxicated. The same will go if the passenger is disorderly to other passengers and/or crew.

No, If you jump off the boat and go and touch them or try to reach for wildlife while on the boat or in the water intentionally, this will count. We simply ask that you be respectful of any and all wildlife on our cruise.

Depending on the situation, you and your party may be taken back to shore by your captain and either reschedule for any other activity/date or placed on our ban list and refused to book another activity with us. Any damages, such as refunds to other activity goers, may be charged to your card on file.

All customers can contact our CEO and Director by emailing with information. Please include as much information as possible and let them know the subject is for the director of Keener Adventures LLC.

Have more questions?

Please reach out to us. We will be more than happy to help you.